حار بيع 1U وحدات العاكس

يتضمن مبدأ عمل العاكس عالي التردد بشكل أساسي تحويل زاوية طاقة التيار المستمر ذات الجهد المنخفض إلى طاقة تيار متردد منخفضة الجهد عالية التردد من خلال تقنية تحويل التيار المستمر/التيار المتردد عالية التردد, ومن ثم تعزيزه من خلال محول عالي التردد, rectifying it into high-voltage DC power through a high-frequency rectification and filtering circuit angle, and finally obtaining 220V power frequency AC power through the power frequency inverter circuit for load use. The key to this process lies in the use of small and lightweight high-frequency magnetic core materials in the high-frequency inverter, which greatly improves the power density of the circuit, reduces the no-load loss of the inverter power supply, and improves the inverter efficiency. Usually, the peak conversion efficiency of high-frequency inverters reaches over 90%. لكن, high-frequency inverters also have significant drawbacks, such as being unable to connect to full load inductive loads and having poor overload capacity. twelve

High frequency PWM technology (pulse width modulation technology) is used to convert phase alternating current in a circuit into a sine wave of a certain frequency, making it close to the AC power of the mains. This technology ensures that the operation of the inverter is not affected by load changes to protect high-frequency inverters and electrical equipment.

The working principle of the inverter also includes the current from the power supply entering the inverter and passing through a rectifier to convert direct current into periodic alternating current. In this process, AC power is used to supply DC power, usually using solar panel corners or battery corners

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العاكس المتوازي - 18
بالفعل 1902 رسائل

  • العاكس المتوازي - 18 10:12 أكون, اليوم
    Pure Sine Inverter 48 فولت تيار مستمر إلى تيار متردد 120 فولت تيار متردد أحادي الطور عاكس طاقة, Pure Sine Inverter 48 فولت تيار مستمر إلى تيار متردد 120 فولت تيار متردد أحادي الطور عاكس طاقة