technology of rack inverters continues to improve
technology of rack inverters continues to improve

تكنولوجيا العاكس الرف
Power range: The power range of rack inverters is wide, such as the PIR series rack type power frequency inverter capacity is 300W-4kW, and the PV5000 series high frequency rack off-grid inverter control machine power range is 3KW-5KW.
جهد الإدخال والإخراج: The input voltage is usually direct current, such as 12VDC or 24VDC; The output voltage is AC, such as 110/120VAC or 220/230VAC.
الموجي: Most rack inverters use pure sine wave output to meet the needs of various loads.
العمل المستمر بعد 1 دقيقة الاغلاق تيار الحمل > 150٪: الزائد, أقل من 5 مللي ثانية, ◆ تعتمد وحدة العاكس تقنية SPWM المتقدمة عالية التردد ومضاعفة التردد أحادي القطب, over discharge and other multiple protection functions.
Communication ports: Some rack inverters support communication ports such as RS485 for remote monitoring and management.
Rack inverter application
Data center: In the data center room, rack-mounted inverters are widely used to ensure uninterrupted power operation and protect computer equipment and data.
Communication system: suitable for communication base stations and other places, to provide stable power for communication equipment.
Industrial control: In industrial production, rack inverters can be used to control systems to ensure the continuity and stability of production.
Emergency backup power supply: Provides continuous AC power to computers and other electrical devices in the event of unstable mains or power outages.
Rack inverters market situation
Growing market demand: With the rapid development of the data center and communications industry, the demand for rack inverters is increasing.
Technical progress: تستمر تقنية محولات الحامل في التحسن, مثل استخدام تكنولوجيا التحكم ثلاثية وحدة المعالجة المركزية, تكنولوجيا التبديل عالية التردد, إلخ., لتحسين أداء وموثوقية المنتج.
Fierce competition: there are many manufacturers on the market to produce rack inverters, and the competition is more fierce, and the manufacturers continue to introduce new products to meet the market demand.

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العاكس المتوازي - 18
بالفعل 1902 رسائل

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