ما هي طرق إمداد وتوزيع الطاقة لمحطة توليد الطاقة?
ما هي طرق إمداد وتوزيع الطاقة لمحطة توليد الطاقة?

1. Power supply method
The power supply system has a centralized power supply mode and a decentralized power supply mode. في بعض الأحيان يتم الخلط بين الطريقتين, يتم تحديده بشكل أساسي من خلال استخدام الحمل.

Centralized power supply: Dynacloud, transmission wires, control devices, loads, ◆ تعتمد وحدة العاكس تقنية SPWM المتقدمة عالية التردد ومضاعفة التردد أحادي القطب. are relatively concentrated in one area to complete a certain work. على سبيل المثال: emergency mobile communication vehicles, power generation, الانتقال, and electricity use all work within a limited range.

Distributed power supply: Compared with the centralized power supply mode, the power supply and the load operate in a decentralized manner, and the power supply equipment has a load independent of other power supply equipment. على سبيل المثال, for the power supply of a mobile communication system in a certain area, the power supply is not together with each station, especially the stations that use electricity, which are arranged in a decentralized manner according to needs, which is characterized by "scattering".
1. The inverter power supply is scattered, and the multi-channel power supply supplies power to the system
2. The load is dispersed, and various electrical equipment uses electricity everywhere
3. The biggest advantage of the decentralized power supply system is that the system correlation is small, or that each point has little influence on each other, so the overall reliability of the system is high.

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العاكس المتوازي - 18
بالفعل 1902 رسائل

  • العاكس المتوازي - 18 10:12 أكون, اليوم
    Pure Sine Inverter 48 فولت تيار مستمر إلى تيار متردد 120 فولت تيار متردد أحادي الطور عاكس طاقة, Pure Sine Inverter 48 فولت تيار مستمر إلى تيار متردد 120 فولت تيار متردد أحادي الطور عاكس طاقة